Django Static class minifier

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The class minify package shortens the class name in the DOM to gibberish characters with reducing the size of the actual class name and which helps to reduces the file size and which also makes web scrappers difficult to scrap the website.

End result : Alt


$ pip install django-static-class-minifier

(you may want to write this in your requirements.txt)

In -

In Installed apps -





'static_compressor', #installed app



In Middleware -






'static_compressor.middleware.MinifyClassMiddleware', # Add this line, right after csrf middleware.


Make sure, you have set up path of static files and static root directory.


os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'static'),



STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'all_staticfiles')

Update the static files storage:

STATICFILES_STORAGE = 'static_compressor.staticfiles_storage.CompressedStaticFilesStorage'

Run the below command in your terminal to build the static files.

$ python collectstatic_compress

When you run $ python collectstatic_compress it will have an additional post-processing to compress your static files and it creates data.json file which contains classes from all included css and js files.

The class selectors which js files considers and change :







If your adding classes to the DOM based on http response or a common function which appends class to the DOM, then consider excluding those words. Use EXCLUDED_CLASSNAMES_FROM_MINIFYING setting attribute and include those words in the list.

Make sure that your web server is configured to serve precompressed static files:

Also, as Brotli is not supported by all browsers you should make sure that your reverse proxy/CDN honor the Vary header, and your web server set it to Vary: Accept-Encoding.

Available Storages

You can also add support to your own backend by applying static_compressor.staticfiles_storage.CompressMixin to your class.

By default it will only compress files ending with .js, .css and .svg. This is controlled by the settings below.


django-static-class-minifier settings and their default values:

MINIFY_CLASS_HTML = False # Change it to True in production environment

EXCLUDE_STATIC_JS_FILES = [] # exclude js libraries from classnames minifier






# By default, the admin files classes won't be minified.

STATIC_CLASSES_FILE_NAME = 'data.json' # It should be an json file

CLASS_SALT_VALUE = 'ascii_lowercase' # Choices - 'ascii_lowercase' or 'ascii_uppercase' or 'ascii_letters' or custom characters. The custom characters should not contain special characters and the length of salt should be greater then 8. Example : CLASS_SALT_VALUE = '_abcdefghijk123'.

# Incase, Inside your app if there is static directory then include it in STATIC_INCLUDE_DIRS



os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'faq/static'), # Example : Let the app name be faq


STATIC_COMPRESS_FILE_EXTS = ['js', 'css', 'svg']




Configuration Types :

Settings Type Description
EXCLUDE_STATIC_JS_FILES Array These js files will be excluded from classnames shortening, In other words the class names won’t be changed.
EXCLUDE_STATIC_CSS_FILES Array Same as above but for css files.
EXCLUDE_STATIC_SVG_FILES Array Same as above but for svg files
EXCLUDE_STATIC_DIRECTORY Array The directory name in the array will be excluded from class names shortening.
EXCLUDE_URL_MINIFICATION Array The URL in the array will exclude from shortening of class names.
EXCLUDED_CLASSNAMES_FROM_MINIFYING Array The words in an array won’t be shortened.
MINIFY_CLASS_HTML Boolean If its True it minifies class names in the HTML. Make sure there is JSON file or it will throws an error.
STATIC_CLASSES_FILE_NAME String The JSON file name. By default its data.json
STATIC_INCLUDE_DIRS Tuple Includes static directory inside the app.
CLASS_SALT_VALUE String Choices - ‘ascii_lowercase’ or ‘ascii_uppercase’ or ‘ascii_letters’ or custom characters. The custom characters should not contain special characters and the length of salt should be greater then 8. Example : CLASS_SALT_VALUE = ‘_abcdefghijk123’.

File size reduction

Original file - 100k style.css

compressed class minifier file - 70k style.css (30% reduction in file size)

(Note - reduction of the file depends on the number of class selectors used and the length of the class name.)

After brotli and Gzip compression - 40k style.css.gz (60% reduction in file size, in total), 35k (65% reduction in file size)



Happy coding! :)